Sunday, February 7, 2010

2/5, 2/6 Weekend Madness

2/5 Saturday
We slept in and wasted a good chunk of the morning doing who knows what in our tiny apartment. When we finally got up the motivation to go for a quick run it was about 12:30...we will never run at 12:30 again...right in the middle of the day. After Shar, Caty and I took another adventure on the tram to spend a little time (once again) at the beach. We just can't get enough of it! Caty brought her sweet horse towel (that we couldn't stop laughing about) and we ended up laying right where they road by with camel rides. Shar went to try and get close so I could take a picture and the camel literally looked at me and smiled! haha!

In the evening we met up with some people Caty works with and proceeded to hit the town later in the evening. We took a train from her friends house back into the cities. Probably one of the best train rides ever...we ended up sprinting to the train stop because we thought we were really late...we waited about 1o minutes for it once we got there. Pretty hilarious. Caty got stuck behind while everyone went through the rolly gates. Your supposed to slide your ticket and it will let you roll by but hers got denied. They ended up letting her through though because "she was American"...I'm not sure if thats a good or bad thing but pretty funny on the other side of the gate! We went to a couple called the London and the other RSQ (Red Square). The bouncer called my Minnesota ID McLovin..for those adults reading it's from a movie ;) It just so happens that we live smack dab in the middle of the city which is just a convenient walk home...litterally across the street hah! Our new friends are really nice...and everyone looks after everyone when you go out as a group so that's really nice. When we were finally all danced out...we were practically falling asleep standing up so we figured thats a good queue to go home. Our friends walked us home...(aka across the street) hah. Us 3 girls get inside to find a broken elevator with a scanner that doesn't work with your key.. so we end up having a nice chat reminiscing about the night on the lobby floor by the elevators waiting for the working elevator to give us a ride up..did I mention it was 4am, things don't close at 2 here haha! It then turned into..."Guys, my feet are black"-me "OOOuuch, I just pulled skin off of my blister"-Caty "Hey do you guys want a snack"-Shar (of course) "Seriously, I don't think you understand, my feet are black"-Me To sum things up...Adelaide is getting better each day.

2/6 Sunday
I gave most of the morning to the night before, but we had a pretty funny early afternoon talking about the crazy things that happened the night before. We thought a good cure would be..of course...the beach. Lynda offered to take us and we spent a good 4 or 5 hours cooking up a good tan :) The sun and I are officially on good terms. It's supposed to get up in the high 90s this week (aka high 30's and low 40's here...we're still getting used to the conversions) Later in the evening we tried to go watch the sunset by the beach but took the tram to late...note to self, remember there are sweet sunsets but leave before 830. There will be lots of sunsets to come so we just made the best of it and walked around. It's weird, they're "going out" nights are Saturday and Sunday. We figured one crazy night was enough. Back to the "grind" (if I can even call it that) tomorrow.

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